Glass processing experts
since 1976

Lavorazione del vetro per l'architettura e per l'arredamento - Vetreria Ciri

Today, with more than 40 years of experience, Vetreria Ciri can boast an area of 10,000 sq m and is one of the leading companies in Central Italy when it comes to the production of high-quality insulating glass.



Rapid delivery

Vetreria Ciri has vehicles available to deliver its products throughout Italy.
Rapid and Reliable


Glass installation

Vetreria Ciri specialises in the installation of large glass panels, thanks to highly qualified personnel and professional technical equipment.


Technical support

Vetreria Ciri offers a consultancy and technical support service to its customers, through its highly qualified personnel and cutting-edge technological tools.

Glass processing for architecture and furniture

VETRERIA CIRI began life in 1976 as a small, family-run craft enterprise for the processing of glass, with the production of insulating glass beginning in 1986. After investing extensive resources in machinery and a new plant, it moved to the industrial zone in 1993 where it gradually began the process of shifting from a craft enterprise to an industrial one, specialising in the transformation of plate glass for architecture and furniture.

All the company’s products have UNI certification.

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International Year Of Glass

Vetreria Ciri’s take on Industry 4.0, environmental sustainability and the glass market, published in Il Sole 24 Ore

La VETRERIA CIRI S.R.L. ha ottenuto un contributo di 49.500,00 € a valere sui fondi POR FESR 2014-2020 Asse IV Azione 4.1.1. – “Sostegno agli investimenti per l’efficienza energetica e l’utilizzo delle fonti di energia rinnovabile” – Avviso 2021 – CUP I56G23000040007 per l’installazione di un impianto fotovoltaico.

VETRERIA CIRI S.R.L. has received a contribution of 49.500,00 € from the funds POR-FESR 2014-2020 Asse IV Azione 4.1.1. – Support for investments in energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources – notice 2021 – CUP I56G23000040007 for the installation of a photovoltaic system.

L’azienda ha beneficiato dei Fondi POR FESR Umbria 2014/2020 – az.4.1.1 – Sostegno agli investimenti volti all’efficienza energetica ed alla diffusione della produzione di energia da fonti rinnovabili – Avviso 2018.

The company was beneficiary from the support of the POR FESR Umbria 2014/2020 – az.4.1.1 – Support fot investment in energy efficiency and spread of renewable energy production – 2018 Notice

L’azienda ha beneficiato dei Fondi POR FESR Umbria 2014/2020 – Asse III – Avviso a sostegno degli Investimenti Innovativi 2019. Titolo del progetto: Innovazione di prodotto e processo per la lavorazione del vetro.

The company was beneficiary from the support of the POR FESR Umbria 2014/2020 – Asse III – Notice in support of Innovative Investments 2019. Project title: Product and process innovation for glass processing